Monday, January 23, 2012

Rhinos, elephants, and monkeys. . . oh my!

Where you start your elephant safari from.

Baby elephant came to say hi!

Riding through the elephant grass.

Watching the rhino cross the road.

The view of where the Diphlu River meets the Brahmapatra in the third section of the park.


Three friends and I went to Kaziranga for a weekend and got to experience one of the coolest vacations I've ever had. Kaziranga is one of the national parks in India located in the northeast, in a state called Assam. It serves as a preserve for one horned rhinos and tigers. Sadly, though we saw many rhinos, there were no tigers.

The trip started with an elephant ride early in the morning (where baby said hi to us all!) followed by a jeep safari through the Central Range. We saw more than fifteen different kinds of birds, some rhinos, some wild elephants, two different kinds of deer, water buffalo, and some monkeys.

In the afternoon, we headed to the Western Range, which is home to more rhinos than the other areas. This is where we got to see a rhino cross the road-- just a few feet from our jeep! The final stop was in the newly opened part of the park, which is better known for its scenery and the opportunity to see three different kinds of monkeys-- which we did! All in all, an incredible adventure.

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