Thursday, October 6, 2011


Small community Durga with a traditional drummer.

This is a nontraditional Durga.

This is the one with Ganesh and his banana tree bride (to the left)

Probably my favorite Durga idol.

Every pandal houses a statue of the goddess, Durga. Every one has a slightly different style. You see the eight armed goddess holding a spear to kill the devil while riding a lion. Her children are on either side of her, including Ganesh (the one that looks like an elephant). One of the photos has a sari on the left with red on it. The red substance is called shindur, and is an indication of being a married woman. The sari has a red border and is wrapped around a banana tree. On one of the first days of the puja, the tree is ceremonially brought to Ganesh as his bride. The photos are primarily of non-traditional Durgas, as I found those the most interesting. Each year there are different types of idols, and I love seeing all of the artistry.

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